839. Similar String Groups hard
fun numSimilarGroups(strs: Array<String>): Int {
fun similar(i: Int, j: Int): Boolean {
var from = 0
while (from < strs[i].length && strs[i][from] == strs[j][from]) from++
var to = strs[i].lastIndex
while (to >= 0 && strs[i][to] == strs[j][to]) to--
for (x in from + 1..to - 1)
if (strs[i][x] != strs[j][x]) return false
return true
val uf = IntArray(strs.size) { it }
fun root(x: Int): Int {
var n = x
while (uf[n] != n) n = uf[n]
uf[x] = n
return n
var groups = strs.size
fun union(a: Int, b: Int) {
val rootA = root(a)
val rootB = root(b)
if (rootA != rootB) {
uf[rootB] = rootA
for (i in 0..strs.lastIndex)
for (j in i + 1..strs.lastIndex)
if (similar(i, j)) union(i, j)
return groups
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For tracking the groups, Union-Find is a good start. Next, we need to compare the similarity of each to each word, that is O(n^22).
For the similarity, we need a linear algorithm. Let’s divide the words into three parts: prefix+a+body+b+suffix
. Two words are similar if their prefix
, suffix
and body
are similar, leaving the only different letters a
and b
decrease the groups when the two groups are joined together
shorten the Union-Find root’s path = n
more complex Union-Find algorithm with
give the optimal time of O(lg∗n), wherelg*n
is the inverse Ackerman function. It is inverse of the f(n) = 222^2…n times.
Time complexity:
O(n^2a(n))Space complexity: