fun numberOfArrays(s: String, k: Int): Int {
// 131,7 k=1000
// 1317 > 1000
// 20001 k=2000
// 2 count=1
// 000 count=1, curr=2000
// 1 count++, curr=1
// 220001 k=2000
// 2 count=1 curr=1
// 22 count+1=2 curr=22 [2, 2], [22]
// 220 curr=220 [2, 20], [220]
// 2200 curr=2200 > 2000, curr=200 [2, 200], [2200]
// 22000 curr=2000 count=1 [2, 2000]
// 220001 count+1=3 curr=20001 > 2000, curr=1 [2, 2000, 1], []
val m = 1_000_000_007L
val cache = LongArray(s.length) { -1L }
fun dfs(curr: Int): Long {
if (curr == s.length) return 1L
if (s[curr] == '0') return 0L
if (cache[curr] != -1L) return cache[curr]
var count = 0L
var num = 0L
for (i in curr..s.lastIndex) {
val d = s[i].toLong() - '0'.toLong()
num = num * 10L + d
if (num > k) break
val countOther = dfs(i + 1)
count = (count + countOther) % m
cache[curr] = count
return count
return dfs(0).toInt()
or bottom-up
fun numberOfArrays(s: String, k: Int): Int {
val cache = LongArray(s.length)
for (curr in s.lastIndex downTo 0) {
if (s[curr] == '0') continue
var count = 0L
var num = 0L
for (i in curr..s.lastIndex) {
num = num * 10L + s[i].toLong() - '0'.toLong()
if (num > k) break
val next = if (i == s.lastIndex) 1 else cache[i + 1]
count = (count + next) % 1_000_000_007L
cache[curr] = count
return cache[0].toInt()
memory optimization:
fun numberOfArrays(s: String, k: Int): Int {
val cache = LongArray(k.toString().length + 1)
for (curr in s.lastIndex downTo 0) {
System.arraycopy(cache, 0, cache, 1, cache.size - 1)
if (s[curr] == '0') {
cache[0] = 0
var count = 0L
var num = 0L
for (i in curr..s.lastIndex) {
num = num * 10L + s[i].toLong() - '0'.toLong()
if (num > k) break
val next = if (i == s.lastIndex) 1 else cache[i - curr + 1]
count = (count + next) % 1_000_000_007L
cache[0] = count
return cache[0].toInt()
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One naive solution, is to find all the possible ways of splitting the string, and calculating soFar
number, gives TLE as we must take soFar
into consideration when memoizing the result.
Let’s consider, that for every position in s
there is only one number of possible arrays. Given that, we can start from each position and try to take the first
number in all possible correct ways, such that num < k
. Now, we can cache this result for reuse.
to avoid overflowwe actually not need all the numbers in cache, just the lg(k)lg(k) for the max length of the number
Time complexity:
O(nlg(k))Space complexity: