fun profitableSchemes(n: Int, minProfit: Int, group: IntArray, profit: IntArray): Int {
val cache = Array(group.size) { Array(n + 1) { Array(minProfit + 1) { -1 } } }
fun dfs(curr: Int, guys: Int, cashIn: Int): Int {
if (guys < 0) return 0
val cash = minOf(cashIn, minProfit)
if (curr == group.size) return if (cash == minProfit) 1 else 0
with(cache[curr][guys][cash]) { if (this != -1) return@dfs this }
val notTake = dfs(curr + 1, guys, cash)
val take = dfs(curr + 1, guys - group[curr], cash + profit[curr])
val res = (notTake + take) % 1_000_000_007
cache[curr][guys][cash] = res
return res
return dfs(0, n, 0)
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For every new item, j
we can decide to take it or not take it. Given the inputs of how many guys
we have and how much cash
already earned, the result is always the same: countj=notTakej(cash,guys)+takej(cash+profit[j],guys−group[j])
Do DFS and cache result in an array.
Time complexity:
O(n3)Space complexity: