# 29.12.2024 [1639. Number of Ways to Form a Target String Given a Dictionary]
Ways to make target with increasing positions in words #hard #dynamic_programming
1639. Number of Ways to Form a Target String Given a Dictionary hard blog post youtube deep-dive
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Problem TLDR
Ways to make target with increasing positions in words #hard #dynamic_programming
Let's observe an example at different angles:
// acca bbbb caca aba
// a .b ...a
// a ..b ...a
// a..a .b ....
// a..a ..b. ....
// ...a ..b. .a
// ..b .a.a
// 0123
// a
// aa a
// bbbb
// ccc
// c
// 0 1 2 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 2 1
// [a,b,c]->[a,b,c]->[b,c,c]->[a,a,b]
// aba
// * * *
// * * *
// * * *
// * * *
// * * *
// * * *
Each position
have a set of charswords[..][i]
. We can use a full Depth-First Search andtake
the current position. To count total ways, we should multiply by count of the taken chars at position. Result can be safely cached by(i, target_pos)
we can rewrite top-down DFS + memo into iterative bottom-up DP
as we only depend on the next (or previous) positions, we can collapse 2D dp into 1D
some other small optimizations possible, iterate forward for cache-friendliness
Time complexity: $$O(wt)$$
Space complexity: $$O(t)$$
fun numWays(words: Array<String>, target: String): Int {
val fr = Array(words[0].length) { IntArray(26) }
for (w in words) for (i in w.indices) fr[i][w[i] - 'a']++
val dp = Array(fr.size + 1) { LongArray(target.length + 1) { -1L }}
fun dfs(posF: Int, posT: Int): Long = dp[posF][posT].takeIf { it >= 0 } ?: {
if (posT == target.length) 1L else if (posF == fr.size) 0L else {
val notTake = dfs(posF + 1, posT)
val curr = fr[posF][target[posT] - 'a'].toLong()
val take = if (curr > 0) curr * dfs(posF + 1, posT + 1) else 0
(take + notTake) % 1_000_000_007L
}}().also { dp[posF][posT] = it }
return dfs(0, 0).toInt()
pub fn num_ways(words: Vec<String>, target: String) -> i32 {
let mut dp = vec![0; target.len() + 1]; dp[target.len()] = 1;
let M = 1_000_000_007i64; let target: Vec<_> = target.bytes().rev().collect();
for posF in 0..words[0].len() {
let mut fr = vec![0; 26];
for w in &words { fr[(w.as_bytes()[posF] - b'a') as usize] += 1 }
for (posT, t) in target.iter().enumerate() {
dp[posT] += fr[(t - b'a') as usize] * dp[posT + 1] % M
}; (dp[0] % M) as i32
int numWays(vector<string>& words, string target) {
long d[10001] = { 1 }, M = 1e9 + 7;
for (int i = 0; i < words[0].size(); ++i) {
int f[26] = {}; for (auto &w: words) ++f[w[i] - 97];
for (int j = min(i + 1, (int) target.size()); j; --j)
d[j] += f[target[j - 1] - 97] * d[j - 1] % M;
} return d[target. Size()] % M;