# 29.06.2023 [864. Shortest Path to Get All Keys]
Min steps to collect all `lowercase` keys in matrix. `#` and `uppercase` locks are blockers.
864. Shortest Path to Get All Keys hard
blog post
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Problem TLDR
Min steps to collect all lowercase
keys in matrix. #
and uppercase
locks are blockers.
What will not work:
dynamic programming – gives TLE
DFS – as we can visit cells several times
For the shortest path, we can make a Breadth-First Search wave in a space of the current position and collected keys set.
Let’s use bit mask for collected keys set
all bits set are
(1 << countKeys) - 1
Time complexity:
O(nm2^k)Space complexity:
val dir = arrayOf(0, 1, 0, -1)
data class Step(val y: Int, val x: Int, val keys: Int)
fun shortestPathAllKeys(grid: Array<String>): Int {
val w = grid[0].length
val s = (0..grid.size * w).first { '@' == grid[it / w][it % w] }
val bit: (Char) -> Int = { 1 shl (it.toLowerCase().toInt() - 'a'.toInt()) }
val visited = HashSet<Step>()
val allKeys = (1 shl (grid.map { it.count { it.isLowerCase() } }.sum()!!)) - 1
var steps = -1
return with(ArrayDeque<Step>()) {
add(Step(s / w, s % w, 0))
while (isNotEmpty() && steps++ < grid.size * w) {
repeat(size) {
val step = poll()
val (y, x, keys) = step
if (keys == allKeys) return steps - 1
if (x in 0 until w && y in 0..grid.lastIndex && visited.add(step)) {
val cell = grid[y][x]
if (cell != '#' && !(cell.isUpperCase() && 0 == (keys and bit(cell)))) {
val newKeys = if (cell.isLowerCase()) (keys or bit(cell)) else keys
var dx = -1
dir.forEach { dy -> add(Step(y + dy, x + dx, newKeys)).also { dx = dy } }