# 27.06.2023 [373. Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums]
List of increasing sum pairs `a[i], b[j]` from two sorted lists `a, b`
373. Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums medium
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Problem TLDR
List of increasing sum pairs a[i], b[j]
from two sorted lists a, b
Naive solution with two pointers didn’t work, as we must backtrack to the previous pointers sometimes:
1 1 2
1 2 3
1+1 1+1 2+1 2+2(?) vs 1+2
The trick is to think of the pairs i,j
as graph nodes, where the adjacent list is i+1,j
and i, j+1
. Each next node sum is strictly greater than the previous:
Now we can walk this graph in exactly k
steps with Dijkstra algorithm using PriorityQueue
to find the next smallest node.
setcareful with Int overflow
let’s use Kotlin’s
Time complexity:
O(klogk), there arek
steps to peek from heap of sizek
Space complexity:
fun kSmallestPairs(nums1: IntArray, nums2: IntArray, k: Int): List<List<Int>> =
with(PriorityQueue<List<Int>>(compareBy({ nums1[it[0]].toLong() + nums2[it[1]].toLong() }))) {
add(listOf(0, 0))
val visited = HashSet<Pair<Int, Int>>()
visited.add(0 to 0)
generateSequence {
val (i, j) = poll()
if (i < nums1.lastIndex && visited.add(i + 1 to j)) add(listOf(i + 1, j))
if (j < nums2.lastIndex && visited.add(i to j + 1)) add(listOf(i, j + 1))
listOf(nums1[i], nums2[j])
.take(minOf(k.toLong(), nums1.size.toLong() * nums2.size.toLong()).toInt())