# 25.10.2024 [1233. Remove Sub-Folders from the Filesystem]
Remove empty subfolders #medium #trie #sort
1233. Remove Sub-Folders from the Filesystem medium
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Problem TLDR
Remove empty subfolders #medium #trie #sort
One way to do this in O(n) is to add everything into a Trie, mark the ends
, then scan again and exclude path with more than one end
Another way, is to sort paths, then naturally, every previous path will be parent of the next if it is a substring of it.
Trie with keys of a
is faster in my tests then Trie with keys of individualchars
(something with string optimizations)the fastest solution for this problem test cases is O(N(logN)), given the bigger constant of the Trie O(N) solution
Time complexity:
𝑂(𝑛) for Trie, O(nlog(n)) for sort solutionSpace complexity:
fun removeSubfolders(folder: Array<String>) = buildList<String> {
for (f in folder) if (size < 1 || !f.startsWith(last() + "/")) add(f)
pub fn remove_subfolders(mut folder: Vec<String>) -> Vec<String> {
#[derive(Default)] struct Fs(u8, HashMap<String, Fs>);
let (mut fs, mut res) = (Fs::default(), vec![]);
for _ in 0..2 { for path in &folder {
let mut r = &mut fs; let mut count = 0;
for name in path.split('/').skip(1) {
r = r.1.entry(name.into()).or_default();
count += r.0
if r.0 == 1 && count == 1 { res.push(path.clone()) }
r.0 = 1
}}; res
vector<string> removeSubfolders(vector<string>& folder) {
sort(begin(folder), end(folder)); vector<string> res;
for (auto& f: folder)
if (!size(res) || f.find(res.back() + "/"))
return res;