956. Tallest Billboard hard
blog post
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Problem TLDR
Max sum of disjoint set in array
Naive Dynamic Programming solution is to do a full search, adding to the first and to the second sums. That will give Out of Memory for this problem constraints.
dp[i][firstSum][secondSum] -> Out of Memory
The trick to make it work and consume less memory, is to cache only the difference firstSum - secondSum
. It will slightly modify the code, but the principle is the same: try to add to the first, then to the second, otherwise skip.
we can compute the first sum, as when
diff == 0
thensum1 == sum2
Time complexity:
is a max differenceSpace complexity:
fun tallestBillboard(rods: IntArray): Int {
val cache = Array(rods.size + 1) { Array(10000) { -1 } }
fun dfs(curr: Int, sumDiff: Int): Int {
if (curr == rods.size) return if (sumDiff == 0) 0 else Int.MIN_VALUE / 2
return cache[curr][sumDiff + 5000].takeIf { it != -1 } ?: {
val take1 = rods[curr] + dfs(curr + 1, sumDiff + rods[curr])
val take2 = dfs(curr + 1, sumDiff - rods[curr])
val notTake = dfs(curr + 1, sumDiff)
maxOf(take1, take2, notTake)
}().also { cache[curr][sumDiff + 5000] = it }
return dfs(0, 0)