# 22.12.2024 [2940. Find Building Where Alice and Bob Can Meet]
Common indices t, h[t] > h[a], h[t] > h[b] for queries q[][a,b] #hard #monotonic_stack
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Problem TLDR
Common indices t, h[t] > h[a], h[t] > h[b] for queries q[][a,b] #hard #monotonic_stack
Didn't solve it without a hint. The hint: consider queries by rightmost border, use monotonic stack, binary search in it.
Let's observe an example:
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// 5 3 8 2 6 1 4 6
// a b*
// a b*
// a b *>2 1 4 6
// b- a>8
// b a *>5 2 6
// a b [8 2 1], [8]
// i
we can walk height from the end
for each right border of a query we should find the closest height that is bigger than
so we should keep big numbers, pop all smaller
Some meta-thoughts: I have considered the monotonic stack/queue, but the solution requires another leap of insight, the Binary Search. So, this is a two-level-deep insight problem.
to have an intuition about what kind of monotonic stack is needed, ask
what numbers are useful for the current situation, and what aren’t?
Time complexity: $$O(nlog(n))$$
Space complexity: $$O(n)$$
fun leftmostBuildingQueries(heights: IntArray, queries: Array<IntArray>): IntArray {
val r = IntArray(queries.size); val q = ArrayList<Int>(); var j = heights.lastIndex
for (i in queries.indices.sortedBy { -queries[it].max() }) {
val (a, b) = (queries[i].min() to queries[i].max())
if (a == b || heights[a] < heights[b]) { r[i] = b; continue }
while (j > b) {
while (q.size > 0 && heights[q.last()] < heights[j]) q.removeLast()
q += j--
var lo = 0; var hi = q.lastIndex; r[i] = -1
while (lo <= hi) {
val m = lo + (hi - lo) / 2
if (heights[q[m]] > heights[a]) { r[i] = q[m]; lo = m + 1 }
else hi = m - 1
return r
pub fn leftmost_building_queries(heights: Vec<i32>, queries: Vec<Vec<i32>>) -> Vec<i32> {
let (mut r, mut q, mut j) = (vec![-1; queries.len()], vec![], heights.len() - 1);
let mut qu: Vec<_> = (0..r.len()).map(|i| { let q = &queries[i]; (-q[0].max(q[1]), q[0].min(q[1]), i)}).collect();
for (b, a, i) in qu {
let (a, b) = (a as usize, (-b) as usize);
if a == b || heights[a] < heights[b] { r[i] = b as i32; continue }
while j > b {
while q.last().map_or(false, |&l| heights[l] < heights[j]) { q.pop(); }
q.push(j); j -= 1;
let (mut lo, mut hi) = (0, q.len() - 1);
while lo <= hi && hi < q.len() {
let m = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
if heights[q[m]] > heights[a] { r[i] = q[m] as i32; lo = m + 1 }
else { hi = m - 1 }
}; r
vector<int> leftmostBuildingQueries(vector<int>& hs, vector<vector<int>>& qs) {
vector<int> q, idx, r(qs.size()); int j = hs.size() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < qs.size(); ++i) {
sort(begin(qs[i]), end(qs[i]));
if (qs[i][0] == qs[i][1] || hs[qs[i][0]] < hs[qs[i][1]]) r[i] = qs[i][1];
else idx.push_back(i);
sort(begin(idx), end(idx), [&](int i, int j) { return qs[i][1] > qs[j][1]; });
for (int i: idx) {
int a = qs[i][0], b = qs[i][1];
while (j > b) {
while (q.size() && hs[q.back()] <= hs[j]) q.pop_back();
auto it = upper_bound(rbegin(q), rend(q), a, [&](int i, int j) { return hs[i] < hs[j]; });
r[i] = it == rend(q) ? -1 : *it;
} return r;