# 16.07.2023 [1125. Smallest Sufficient Team]
Smallest `team` from `people with skills`, having all `required skills`
1125. Smallest Sufficient Team hard
blog post
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Problem TLDR
Smallest team
from people with skills
, having all required skills
The skill set size is less than 32
, so we can compute a bitmask
for each of people
and for the required
Next, our task is to choose a set from people
that result skills mask will be equal to the required
We can do a full search, each time skipping
or adding
one mask from the people
Observing the problem, we can see, that result is only depending on the current mask
and all the remaining
people. So, we can cache it.
we can use a
to storeskill to index
, but given a small set of skills, just doindexOf
in O(60 * 16)add to the team in
post order
, asdfs
must return only the result depending on the input arguments
Time complexity:
O(p2^s), as full mask bits are 2^s, s – skills, p – peopleSpace complexity:
fun smallestSufficientTeam(skills: Array<String>, people: List<List<String>>): IntArray {
val peoplesMask = people.map { it.fold(0) { r, t -> r or (1 shl skills.indexOf(t)) } }
val cache = mutableMapOf<Pair<Int, Int>, List<Int>>()
fun dfs(curr: Int, mask: Int): List<Int> =
if (mask == (1 shl skills.size) - 1) listOf()
else if (curr == people.size) people.indices.toList()
else cache.getOrPut(curr to mask) {
val skip = dfs(curr + 1, mask)
val take = dfs(curr + 1, mask or peoplesMask[curr]) + curr
if (skip.size < take.size) skip else take
return dfs(0, 0).toIntArray()