# 15.12.2024 [1792. Maximum Average Pass Ratio]
Arrange `passed` students to improve average score #medium #heap
1792. Maximum Average Pass Ratio medium blog post substack youtube deep-dive
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Problem TLDR
students to improve average score #medium #heap
Didn't solve without a hint. The hint: choose the most significant difference that can be made.
in Rust we can't put
into a heap, so convert into the bigi64
Time complexity: O((n+m)log(n))
Space complexity: O(n)
fun maxAverageRatio(classes: Array<IntArray>, extraStudents: Int): Double {
val scores = PriorityQueue<IntArray>(compareBy({
it[0].toDouble() / it[1] - (it[0] + 1).toDouble() / (it[1] + 1) }))
scores += classes
for (s in 1..extraStudents)
scores += scores.poll().also { it[0]++; it[1]++ }
return scores.sumOf { it[0].toDouble() / it[1] } / classes.size
pub fn max_average_ratio(classes: Vec<Vec<i32>>, extra_students: i32) -> f64 {
let d = |p: i64, t: i64| -> (i64, i64, i64) {
(((t - p) * 10_000_000) / (t * t + t), p, t) };
let mut h = BinaryHeap::from_iter(classes.iter().map(|c| {
d(c[0] as i64, c[1] as i64) }));
for _ in 0..extra_students {
let (_, p, t) = h.pop().unwrap(); h.push(d(p + 1, t + 1)) }
h.iter().map(|&(d, p, t)|
p as f64 / t as f64).sum::<f64>() / classes.len() as f64
double maxAverageRatio(vector<vector<int>>& classes, int extraStudents) {
auto f = [&](double p, double t) { return (p + 1) / (t + 1) - p / t; };
double r = 0; priority_queue<tuple<double, int, int>> q;
for (auto x: classes) r += (double) x[0] / x[1],
q.push({f(x[0], x[1]), x[0], x[1]});
while (extraStudents--) {
auto [d, p, t] = q.top(); q.pop();
r += d; q.push({f(p + 1, t + 1), p + 1, t + 1});
return r / classes. Size();