# 14.12.2024 [2762. Continuous Subarrays]
Count subarrays with difference <= 2 #medium #monotonic_queue #tree_set
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Problem TLDR
Count subarrays with difference <= 2 #medium #monotonic_queue #tree_set
Observe the example, let's use two pointers sliding window:
// 5 4 2 4 min max iq dq
// i 5 5 5 5
// j
// i 4 5 4 5 4
// i 2 5 2 5 4 2 shrink
// j 2 4 2 4 2 new max
After we shrink the window by moving
, we should updatemin
of the window. To keep all potential next maximums and minimums we can use a monotonic queue technique: remove all non-increasing/non-decreasing values.Another approach is to use a TreeSet: it naturally would give us updated
if we drop the duplicates, the max queue size would be 4
to use Kotlin's TreeSet, we should also preserve duplicates by storing the indices
Time complexity: $$O(n)$$ or O(nlog(n))
Space complexity: $$O(1)$$ or O(n)
fun continuousSubarrays(nums: IntArray): Long {
val s = TreeSet<Pair<Int, Int>>(compareBy({it.first}, {it.second}))
var j = 0
return nums.withIndex().sumOf { (i, n) ->
s += n to i
while (s.last().first - s.first().first > 2) s -= nums[j] to j++
1L + i - j
pub fn continuous_subarrays(nums: Vec<i32>) -> i64 {
let (mut iq, mut dq, mut j) = (VecDeque::new(), VecDeque::new(), 0);
nums.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, &n)| {
while iq.back().map_or(false, |&b| nums[b] >= n) { iq.pop_back(); }
while dq.back().map_or(false, |&b| nums[b] <= n) { dq.pop_back(); }
iq.push_back(i); dq.push_back(i);
while n - nums[*iq.front().unwrap()] > 2 { j = iq.pop_front().unwrap() + 1 }
while nums[*dq.front().unwrap()] - n > 2 { j = dq.pop_front().unwrap() + 1 }
1 + i as i64 - j as i64
long long continuousSubarrays(vector<int>& n) {
long long r = 0; multiset<int> s;
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < n.size(); ++i) {
while (s.size() && *s.rbegin() - *s.begin() > 2)
r += i - j + 1;
}; return r;