# 08.12.2024 [2054. Two Best Non-Overlapping Events]
Max two non-overlapping intervals #medium #binary_search
2054. Two Best Non-Overlapping Events medium blog post substack youtube deep-dive
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Problem TLDR
Max two non-overlapping intervals #medium #binary_search
Let's observe some rich example and try to invent an algorithm:
// 0123456789111
// . 012
// [.......7...]
// [.3][.2] .
// [.5][.3] .
// [.4][.4] .
// [.2][.6].
// .[.1][.7]
// .. . .
// t. . . t=3, v=3 maxV=3 maxT=3
// t . . t=4, v=5,maxV=5 maxT=4
// .t . . t=5, v=4,
// . t. . t=6, v=2
// . t . t=7, v=2
// . t . t=7, v=1
// . .t . t=8, v=3
// . . t . t=9, v=4
// . . t. t=10,v=6, maxV=6, maxT=10
// . . .t t=11,v=7, maxV=7, maxT=11
// . . . t t=12,v=7
// 3555555677 maxV
// *f t 5+7
Some observations:
for current interval we should find the maximum before it
we can store the maximums as we go
we should sort events by the
Another two approaches:
use a Heap, sort by start, pop from heap all non-intersecting previous and peek a max
line sweep: put starts and ends in a timeline, sort by time, compute
after ends, andres
on start
binary search approach have many subtle tricks: add (0, 0) as zero, sort also by bigger values first to make binary search work
Time complexity: $$O(nlog(n))$$
Space complexity: $$O(n)$$
fun maxTwoEvents(events: Array<IntArray>): Int {
val pq = PriorityQueue<Pair<Int, Int>>(compareBy { it.first })
var res = 0; var max = 0;
for ((f, t, v) in events.sortedBy { it[0] }) {
while (pq.size > 0 && pq.peek().first < f)
max = max(max, pq.poll().second)
res = max(res, max + v)
pq += t to v
return res
pub fn max_two_events(mut events: Vec<Vec<i32>>) -> i32 {
let (mut res, mut m) = (0, vec![(0, 0)]);
events.sort_unstable_by_key(|e| (e[1], -e[2]));
for e in events {
let i = m.partition_point(|x| x.1 < e[0]) - 1;
m.push((m.last().unwrap().0.max(e[2]), e[1]));
res = res.max(m[i].0 + e[2]);
}; res
int maxTwoEvents(vector<vector<int>>& events) {
vector<tuple<int, int, int>> t; int res = 0, m = 0;
for (auto e: events)
t.push_back({e[0], 1, e[2]}),
t.push_back({e[1] + 1, 0, e[2]});
sort(begin(t), end(t));
for (auto [x, start, v]: t)
start ? res = max(res, m + v) : m = max(m, v);
return res;