# 05.08.2023 [95. Unique Binary Search Trees II]
All possible Binary Search Trees for 1..n numbers
95. Unique Binary Search Trees II medium
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Problem TLDR
All possible Binary Search Trees for 1…n numbers
One way to build all possible BST is to insert numbers in all possible ways. We can do this with a simple backtracking, given the small n <= 8
. To remove duplicates, we can print the tree and use it as a hash key.
use a bit mask and a Stack for backtracking
Time complexity:
O(n!∗nlog(n)), as the recursion depth is n, each time iterations go as n * (n - 1) * (n - 2) * … * 2 * 1, which is equal to n!. The final step of inserting elements is nlog(n), and building a hash is n, which is < nlogn, so not relevant.
Space complexity:
O(n!), is a number of permutations
fun insert(x: Int, t: TreeNode?): TreeNode = t?.apply {
if (x > `val`) right = insert(x, right)
else left = insert(x, left)
} ?: TreeNode(x)
fun print(t: TreeNode): String =
"[${t.`val`} ${t.left?.let { print(it) }} ${t.right?.let { print(it) }}]"
fun generateTrees(n: Int): List<TreeNode?> {
val stack = Stack<Int>()
val lists = mutableListOf<TreeNode>()
fun dfs(m: Int): Unit = if (m == 0)
lists += TreeNode(stack[0]).apply { for (i in 1 until n) insert(stack[i], this) }
else for (i in 0 until n) if (m and (1 shl i) != 0) {
stack.push(i + 1)
dfs(m xor (1 shl i))
dfs((1 shl n) - 1)
return lists.distinctBy { print(it) }
Another divide-and-conquer solution, that I didn't think of