# 02.06.2023 [2101. Detonate the Maximum Bombs]
2101. Detonate the Maximum Bombs medium
blog post
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Problem TLDR
Count detonated bombs by chain within each radius.
A bomb will only detonate if its center within the radius of another.
For example, A
can detonate B
, but not otherwise.
Let’s build a graph, who’s who can detonate.
Build a graph, the do DFS trying to start from each node.
Time complexity:
O(n^3), each of then
DFS will take n^2Space complexity:
fun maximumDetonation(bombs: Array<IntArray>): Int {
val fromTo = mutableMapOf<Int, MutableList<Int>>()
for (i in 0..bombs.lastIndex) {
val bomb1 = bombs[i]
val rr = bomb1[2] * bomb1[2].toLong()
val edges = fromTo.getOrPut(i) { mutableListOf() }
for (j in 0..bombs.lastIndex) {
if (i == j) continue
val bomb2 = bombs[j]
val dx = (bomb1[0] - bomb2[0]).toLong()
val dy = (bomb1[1] - bomb2[1]).toLong()
if (dx * dx + dy * dy <= rr) edges += j
fun dfs(curr: Int, visited: HashSet<Int> = HashSet()): Int {
return if (visited.add(curr)) {
1 + (fromTo[curr]?.sumBy { dfs(it, visited) } ?:0)
} else 0
var max = 1
for (i in 0..bombs.lastIndex) max = maxOf(max, dfs(i))
return max